Linus is a wonderful boy who helps his friends with benevolent advice which no-one can ever fault, he is the voice of reason for his pals and always has a kind word to say to everyone, even Snoopy who constantly tries to steal his beloved blanket and his older sister Lucy Van Pelt who bullies him.
Linus Van Pelt first appeared in the Peanut's comic strip on 19th of September 1952, in 1954 he spoke his first words and also during this time he was also found with his infamous safety blanket, the blanket never fails to leave his side.
Although he is portrayed as a young child, he is highly intelligent and is often found philosophising about all of life's concerns... his only real worry, 'The Great Pumpkin'
Below are some of my favourite wisdom's from Linus, from a tiny little book if 'Linus-isms' which I found in a charity shop.
Beneath is probably Linus' most well known piece of wisdom.
Pumpkin Paul
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